Family mediators in Manitoba are a network of interdisciplinary professionals made up of private and public mediators who are lawyers, social workers, judges, mental health workers and students.
ADRIM Family Mediators
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In 1986, family mediators in Manitoba founded a non-for-profit organisation named Family Mediation Manitoba Inc. (FMM) in order to promote the use of mediation as a preferred method of dispute resolution in family matters. FMM worked in partnership with the courts, government and non-government agencies and was recognized as the primary organization representing family mediation in Manitoba.
Out-of-court family dispute resolution in family law matters has grown across Canada because families prefer alternatives to litigation such as mediation, collaborative practice, parent coaching, parent co-ordination, arbitration, and mediation/arbitration. These processes offer a better chance at success. Governments across Canada are developing programs for diverting separating parents from the courts and providing mediation services in the public and private sectors, which an increasing number of families are taking advantage of.
Changes to the federal The Divorce Act and Manitoba’s The Family Law Modernization Act have recognized all forms of alternate dispute resolution as a place to start for a faster, cheaper and less adversarial process of resolving family law matters.
As of August 29, 2019, family mediators have joined the ADR Institute of Manitoba (ADRIM), and FMM has been dissolved. ADRIM has established a subsection of family focused ADR professionals to maintain a range of family dispute services and expertise, education and training, information, consultation and regulation to Family Mediators in Manitoba.